Corporate Sustainability

Responsible pacesetter in Prosperity


At United Bankers, sustainability is broadly defined as economic, social, and environmental responsibility. As a company, United Bankers wants to take responsibility and support sustainable development of society and the environment. This is reflected in our strategy, values and actions. Sustainability is a key part of the company’s value creation process as well as United Bankers’ growth strategy.

United Bankers' sustainability programme


United Bankers wants to take responsibility for society and the environment and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. In practice, sustainability is reflected in client and stakeholder relations, responsible investment and product range, employee well-being and sound corporate governance. In addition, climate change, human rights and biodiversity are relevant cross-cutting sustainability themes.



Social cooperation


To take responsibility for the sustainable development of society and the environment, United Bankers has integrated sustainability into its strategy, operations and values. In addition, it recognises that corporate social responsibility extends beyond the Group’s own sphere of activity to the wider society. Each year, United Bankers supports projects and initiatives related to sustainable development of society and the environment.





This presentation contains information based on United Bankers Group´s evaluations along with information from other sources, which United Bankers Group has perceived dependable. This does not, however, exclude the possibility of inaccurate or incomplete information. The information on which the conclusions are based can change rapidly, and UB reserves the right to change the current views on the market without a separate notification. United Bankers Group and/or its co-operators and/or its employees accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss or damages of any kind arising out of the use of this document or any part of its content.